
Population testing will begin next week to help identify, isolate, contact trace and contain new infections (check your USC email to see if you are recommended to participate in testing); read Thursday’s announcement. For the latest on USC’s current plans and programs, visit our Fall 2023 information website.



The university announces a reduction in fees for fall semester; read Tuesday’s message. For the latest on USC’s current plans and programs, visit our coronavirus Fall 2023 information website.


The university shares COVID-19 campus public health measures — including daily wellness screening, testing, contact tracing and procedures for isolating individuals who are ill and exposed — which on-campus students will be expected to follow; read Monday’s letter. For the latest on USC’s response to COVID-19 and the Fall 2023 semester, visit our informational website.


The university shares trends in our on- and near-campus communities and testing numbers from USC Student Health; read Thursday’s letter. For the latest on USC’s response to COVID-19, visit our coronavirus information website.


The Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday agreed to rescind its directive that would have required international students to take in-person classes to maintain their visa status; read President Carol L. Folt’s response. For the latest on USC’s response to COVID-19, visit our coronavirus information website.



USC reiterates its support for our international students, while the university’s deans and senior leadership are working tirelessly with the faculty to support their academic progress; read Wednesday’s statement. For the latest on USC’s response to COVID-19, visit our coronavirus information website.


Given continuing safety restrictions and limited densities permissible on campus, the university is recommending that all undergraduates take their fall courses online, and reconsider living on or close to campus for the fall semester; read Wednesday’s memo. For the latest on USC’s response to COVID-19, visit our coronavirus information website.

NEW | Fall semester on the USC campuses: health, safety and well-being

A June 29 memo from USC Student Health’s Chief Health Officer Sarah Van Orman and Vice President for Student Affairs Winston Crisp describes how the USC campuses will look when classes resume in August. For the latest on USC’s response to COVID-19, visit our coronavirus information website.


As the university begins a phased approach toward resuming some on-campus activities, progress has been made in a number of areas. For details, read Provost Charles Zukoski’s 6/19 memo. For the latest on USC’s response to COVID-19, visit our coronavirus information website.

Framework for 2023-21 academic year announced

Fall classes will start a week earlier than originally scheduled and wrap up by Thanksgiving, with online alternatives for almost every in-person class, changes to classroom, housing and dining arrangements, and more. For details, read President Carol L. Folt’s 6/2 memo. For the latest on USC’s response to COVID-19, visit our coronavirus information website.


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Suspension of study abroad programs extended through fall semester

The decision ensures the health, safety and well-being of our students and provides them with time to make alternative plans for the fall. For the latest on USC’s response to COVID-19, visit our coronavirus information website.

NEW: Academic updates for current and future Trojans (4/28)

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LATEST UPDATES: Complete information on USC coronavirus website

For the latest on USC’s response to COVID-19 — including information for students, parents, faculty, staff and the community — visit the university’s new coronavirus information website.